'Overlooked' - drawn from the works of 5 contemporary Sheffield artists who all share a common interest in exploring the unseen and mundane. Focussing on marginal, liminal spaces that most people wouldn't give a second glance. Creating observational paintings that use landscape to create a narrative and emotional tension.

'Look beneath the surface, let not the several quality of a thing nor it's worth escape thee' - Marcus Aurelius

The Scottish Queen,
21-24 South Street, Park Hill, Sheffield, S2 5QX

The artists would very much like to thank:
Urban Splash (particularly Tom Bloxham and Mark Latham) who have generously provided the Scottish Queen for us to site our exhibition.
Leila Alexander (Art Consultant) for her invaluable input and advice
Andrew Mathews (Graphic Designer at Urban Splash)
Louise Hutchinson(Artistic Director) and Pippa Cook(Programme Coordinator) from S1 Artspace for their help and guidance in curating the show
Thornbridge Brewery for sponsoring our Preview Event
Paul Allender for his contribution to our catalogue
Ecclesall Print for the creation of the show brochure

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Are You or Have You Been a Resident of Park Hill? If So Paul Allender Would like to Speak With You.

Mandy Payne
Aerosol on Concrete, 32 x 32 cm

I've a message from Paul Allender who's in the middle of a project collecting an aural history of Park Hill residents past and present (Paul wrote the introduction to our brochure for the show which can be read here )

"A team of researchers from Sheffield University want to interview residents of Park Hill about what it’s like to live here. This is part of a wider project being conducted by Museums Sheffield in partnership with the university. The research will take an oral history approach, exploring residents’ life stories and how they came to live in Park Hill.

There is also the possibility of getting involved in a documentary film about Park Hill which will be made later this year.

If you would like to get involved or want further information about the project, please contact either: Paul Allender, e-mail p.allender@sheffield.ac.uk, tel. 0797 935 7475 Or Louise Ritchie, e-mail l.e.ritchie@sheffield.ac.uk , tel. 0114 2228121

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Sean's Painting "Lies About Nothing" Is Yesterday's Contemporary British Painting "Painting of the Day"

Sean's amazing painting "Lies About Nothing" (that was in the "Stillness" show at Bloc earlier this year) was yesterday's Contemporary British Painting "painting of the day" nice one Sean :)

Sean Williams
Lies About Nothing
Acrylic on board, 130 x 85 cm

Monday, 27 April 2015

Hyde Park In The Early 70's

I've just been watching videos about Sheffield on youtube and trying to find footage specifically of Park Hill in the past and came across this stunning image of Hyde Park from the early 70's (Park Hill is just over the horizon on the right side of the image). I've heard talk about Hyde Park's size but this really does bring it home.

This picture isn't my own it's a still grab from this following video by Pete Hill of Corvideos.com - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pwiz1A9gEWM

"Overlooked" Has Been Mentioned on Sheffield Live's "What's On" - Wednesday 23rd April 2015 6.05pm

Mandy, Jane and Andy have been interviewed by Sheffield Live! "What's On" presenter Kurt Sullivan and his team so to introduce the "Overlooked" show to its viewers.


"What's On" - Wednesday 23rd April 2015 6.05pm - clip is from this following video - https://vimeo.com/126123967

Sheffield Live!'s website - http://www.sheffieldlive.org/
Sheffield Live!'s online TV viewer - http://www.sheffieldlive.org/tv/
Sheffield Live!'s Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/sheffieldlive
Sheffield Live!'s Twitter - http://twitter.com/sheffieldlive
Direct link to the "What's On" programme - http://www.sheffieldlive.org/new-whats-on-show-your-guide-to-daily-events-and-activities/

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Streets in the Sky: A Dozen Perspectives

Streets in the Sky: A Dozen Perspectives

A photography book has been created by 12 members of The Royal Photographic Society out of images taken during one day in February 2015 with their focus on Park Hill, the place that Mandy Payne's work is based on. Looking at not just the architecture but the people too it is a fascinating glimpse into a space that is in the middle of huge change.

For further information about the individual photographers involved with the project and more images used in the book look here  - http://www.futureheritage.org.uk/parkhill/

You can buy the book via this following link -  http://www.futureheritage.org.uk/parkhill/?p=515

Monday, 20 April 2015

"Overlooked" Is Mentioned in Today's (20/04/15) Star "What's On" Section

"Overlooked" is mentioned in today's (20/04/15) Star "What's on" section, pg 38

A Different Artist Will Be In The Gallery Each Day During The Duration Of The Show

Me (Andy) doing my day of painting and invigilating in the gallery today. (I'm in every Monday during the show - for times when other artists are in do look here - http://overlooked-sheffield.blogspot.co.uk/p/special-dates.html


Sunday, 19 April 2015

Pics from the launch of "Overlooked"

Again a big thank you to everyone who came, and thanks as well to "Overlooked" arts coordinator Leila Alexander for the pictures.

Sponsor Thornbridge Brewery has made a beer inspired by the work of Mandy Payne so to celebrate the launch of "Overlooked"

 Sponsor of the launch last night, Thornbridge Brewerys (website link, Facebook and Twitter),  made a beer specific for our show called "Overlooked" inspired by "Overlooked" artist Mandy Payne's Park Hill inspired work (especially her piece "Regeneration" which is being used for the graphic of the beer).
A photo of the beer itself is still to come but here's some very cool looking beermats that have been produced to go along with last night's event.


Here's the beer! In the background you can see Mandy Payne's fantastic painting "Displacement" which is being used to promote the show.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Show Launch and Thank You :)

A very quick message to say  a "BIG THANK YOU!!"  to everyone who came tonight from Mandy, Sean, Jane and Conor and me (Andy) . What a fantastic evening!?! And hope everyone who came had a great time.  Obviously the show carries on until the 10th of May with each of the artists in on each day. For more details of who is in and when see after the link. We will be showing images of the inside of the show but we do want people to come down to the show so to see the work itself  - http://www.overlooked-sheffield.blogspot.co.uk/p/special-dates.html
(this photo is from early on in the evening am very touched by the numbers of folk who came, more photos to come)

Friday, 10 April 2015

Thank You To Louise and Pippa From S1 Artspace and Look.... Signage!!

A huge big thank you to Louise Hutchinson and Pippa Cook from S1 Artspace for your guidance and advice regarding hanging our work, it's been a very big help indeed.

S1 Artspace Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/S1Artspace
S1 Artspace Twitter feed - http://twitter.com/S1Artspace
S1 Artspace website - http://www.s1artspace.org/

 And look!! The Scottish Queen and "Overlooked" show signage is going up!! (And you can see a peek of one of Andy's paintings in the background) The chap sticking the vinyl's up was an absolute star as well as a perfect gent.

It's been a really good productive day today, and it's been good to get everyone's work in and start to get it up on all the walls.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Update on the Gallery - It's Looking Great. Just Over A Week To Go Before The Show.

We popped down to the Scottish Queen to see how everything is going and to drop off some work in preparation for the show (just over a week to go) and the space is really looking good.

Entrance to The Scottish Queen space.

 Andy and Mandy

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Mandy Payne has work chosen for today's Contemporary British Painting Painting of the Day

Great stuff!! 'Overlooked' artist Mandy Payne's work 'Everything of value has been removed' is today's Contemporary British Painting Painting of the Day.

Mandy Payne
Everything of Value Has Been Removed
Mixed media on board 27 x 23 cm

Contemporary British Painting post on Twitter - https://twitter.com/paintbritain/status/585381516420591616
Contemporary British Painting post on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ContemporaryBritishPainting/photos/a.389110221207364.1073741827.389100724541647/765967083521674/

Their main website is here - http://www.contemporarybritishpainting.com
Follow them on FB here - https://www.facebook.com/ContemporaryBritishPainting
Follow them on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/paintbritain

Saturday, 4 April 2015

"Overlooked" artist Conor Nial Rogers on the shortlist for "New Contemporaries" 2015

Some seriously cool and exciting news - today found out that "Overlooked" artist Conor Nial Rogers is on the shortlist for being accepted for the "New Contemporaries" for 2015. New Contemporaries is a prestigious award for artists that have recently graduated and are doing work that is considered to be something to keep a close eye on. Will let folk know how Conor gets on.
their website - http://www.newcontemporaries.org.uk/
their Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/newcontemps
their Twitter feed - https://twitter.com/NewContemps

Conor Rogers
You Get Me Down 
Acrylic on Cigarette Packet, 10 x 5 x 2cm

Contemporary British Painting website is updated (includes the work of "Overlooked" artist Sean Williams)

Just wanting to share info about the Contemporary British Painting website having just been updated. "Overlooked" artist Sean Williams along with other current British painters is included on their site.

It's a great thing that they do in raising the profile of British painting and if you look on their Facebook and Twitter feeds they show each day a new painting by an artist that they see as being worthwhile watching.

Their main website is here - http://www.contemporarybritishpainting.com
Follow them on FB here - https://www.facebook.com/ContemporaryBritishPainting
Follow them on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/paintbritain

image from the Contemporary British Painting website
Sean Williams
Perfect Winter
Acrylic on board, 600 x 880 mm

Sean's page on the site - http://www.contemporarybritishpainting.com/wordpress/?page_id=3704